We are licensed in Life and Health Insurance as well as holding a Series 7 Securities license. In addition, our affiliation with The Mooney Group, a financial products and services provider, leaves us better prepared than ever to help you build your future through a personal financial planning process.
By sitting down together, we can better understand exactly where you are financially, where you are going, and how to help you get you there. Our initial discovery meeting will focus on assessing your current financial situation as well as identifying your priorities, which may include:
- Accumulation Goals: We can work to develop an understanding your savings needs as well as a strategy that can help you achieve them.
- Asset Allocation: We should discuss what portion of your portfolio holdings you may want invested in various asset classes based upon situation and risk tolerance.
- Retirement Goals: We can help you plan for a more secure retirement.
- Estate Planning: We can illustrate some methods you may consider for transferring your assets.
- Tax Considerations: While Mooney Group does not provide legal or tax advice, we can help you understand the tax implications of various products.
- Long Term Care, 401(k), Personal 401(k), Health Insurance, Annuities
We would like to sit down with you to discover how we, in conjunction with The Mooney Group, may help you reach your goal. These services are tailored to address your unique financial situation and investment objectives. We can also discuss a wide variety of products that may be of interest to you.
We are very excited about this expansion and hope you would like to hear more. Allow us to look over what plans you have in place. Please feel free to call our office at (440) 282-1511 if you have any questions or to make an appointment. Thank you.